More Imortant is the Existance of Evil?

To my 0 readers in this void…  I am a runner.  My primary care physician’s nurse said so thus I have no choice but to accept the title.  Though I suppose running 27 then 35 and now on track to break 40 miles this week would most likely qualify my “title”.

With that in mind I shared the content of my blog post yesterday with someone I respect during our 6.65mile run.  That person claimed a denial of the existence of evil.  I would like to respond in the hopes that a continual exploration of the subject can occur!

Problem of Evil (Wikipedia)

I read it.  Actually enjoyed the mental debate.  And thus found:
God Evil and Free Will

This closely aligns with my own viewpoint on evil.  It does exist and it is the result of free will.  YAH BABY!  You also have to buy into Free Will to be able to accept the existence of Evil. 

One thing I can promise is that evil exists.  When an adult severely injures or kills a child intentionally and someone attempts to defend the adult, you have lost before the defense enters your mind.   If I can choose to either depress my brake pedal to avoid hitting a child in the street or choose to floor it in an attempt to hurt the child, respectively good and evil exists there.  If I floor it hoping to get past the child before intersecting with the child, this is where the path to hell was paved with good intentions.

God exists.  I believe.  I have faith.  Just because you or I believe one way or another will never invalidate God’s existence.  If you chose to discount/not believe, have no faith, or actively believe that a Big Bang occurred and that we came from goo with no interaction of God…  Well I give you more respect than words can express!  You have a faith that can move mountains!

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